Wes Anderson:
Maybe I'm just jealous that I was never as cool and articulate as you were as a child. But over the years I cultivated a true hate for your insular WASP upbringing and your cutesy tendencies (neatly) splattered all over the screen. Moonrise Kingdom is perhaps the most heinous display of all your white-upperclass-precocious-sensitive-boy-fantasies that I love to hate. Your 'Anderson production design' now falls between early Tim Burtons and a sugary gingerbread house. The whole goddamn thing is so harmless and so light and so devoid of meaning and feeling and humor and soul, it makes me angry. It's also the whitest of the white movie you've ever made. But that's understandable. You should stick to what you know. If not, everything nonwhite in your movie becomes gross fetishization. For whom do you make movies? Certainly not for children. Do you really want to show off your clever boy shtick in your forties to your peers? Why?
I don't know. I'm not expecting Schindler's List or Blue Valentine from you. But by golly, why keep repeating yourself? Do you even understand that the color of your room or the tape recorder you own or listening to Françoise Hardy doesn't define who you are? Why do you hide behind all these material things? Who are you really? If your being clever gets you all the fame and money and you are happy, good for you. But I can promise you that I'll never watch one of your movies ever again for as long as I live, not even for lazy Saturday afternoon entertainment.