It's quite amazing that Hong's been making the same film with little variations for close to 20 years now with an unwavering consistency. Sure, as his reputation has grown as one of the leading Korean auteurs on the international film stage, and his films now feature European art house staples (this time around, Jane Birkin). But the scope of his films has remained pretty much the same. Nothing really new here- having an affair with older professor/movie director, copious amount of drinking and smoking, and wrestling with that sinewy entanglement called human relationship. But you can't not end up falling for Haewon (Jeong Eun-chae), a pretty college student who's about to be orphaned because her mom's permanently relocating to Canada. Her married professor/director wants to continue their 'secret' affairs and gets mad jealous and clingy at the same time, even though they both are tired of their predicament. Very enjoyable and endearing.
I have no desire to see Frances Ha. I don't know why Hong's films are much more attractive to me than Noah Baumbachs. Haewon and many of Hong's films ring true to me in portraying human relationships.